Tracking City Equipment: How Expanded GPS Monitoring Could Benefit Worcester

The Research Bureau is pleased to present its latest report: Tracking City Equipment: How Expanded GPS Monitoring Could Benefit Worcester.

While local government is often viewed as monolithic, it is complex, composed (in the case of Worcester) of thousands of employees on thousands of assignments all over the city. Since workloads can require employees to spend significant time outside the office, managers are challenged to keep track not just of employees and work products, but also municipal resources. A municipality owns significant capital assets including vehicles and heavy equipment. Municipalities like Worcester have spent millions on state-of-the-art investments, but often rely on analog management methods instead of one of the greatest government inventions of all time – location tracking.

This report examines municipalities that have equipped city vehicles with GPS to identify potential applications, benefits, and pitfalls. It explores how the benefits of tracking city vehicles measures up to the monetary cost. It identifies successful ways for municipalities to approach this powerful technology.


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