Mass. Exodus from Civil Service: Examining Worcester’s Proposal to Exempt Police Leaders Amidst Statewide Shifts

A significant shift is underway as Massachusetts municipal police departments increasingly request exemptions from the Civil Service Law. Worcester’s recent petition to exempt the chief and deputy chief positions highlights this trend. Understanding these dynamics is crucial as municipalities seek to balance merit, efficiency, and equity in their hiring and promotional practices. This report outlines the intent and history of civil service laws, details the administration of Massachusetts’ law, and examines Worcester’s petition alongside other civil service changes the City has discussed over the past 25 years. It also contextualizes the petition with findings from the Racial Equity Audit of the Worcester Police Department (WPD), relevant employment discrimination cases, and growing discontent with the state’s system from other municipalities. It then compares civil service participation across the state, focusing on WPD and its peers. The report concludes with three recommendations for City leaders and the public to consider.