Toward Safer Streets – Identifying Risk Factors for Non-Motorists in Worcester

In Worcester’s rapidly changing urban landscape, safeguarding the city’s most vulnerable road users (VRU’s) — pedestrians, cyclists, and others outside of vehicles — has emerged as a pivotal concern. This report comes after recent tragedies in Worcester, leading the City Manager to declare a ‘road safety and traffic violence crisis’.

Toward Safer Streets delves into the intricate web of risk factors contributing to the perilous conditions these users face daily. By scrutinizing the physical attributes of Worcester’s roadways, traffic patterns, and the socio-economic and demographic profiles of affected communities, this analysis uncovers underlying causes of VRU crashes. Through comprehensive data analysis and strategic insights, the report aims to guide Worcester’s policymakers in crafting targeted interventions that will transform the city’s streets into safer, more equitable spaces for all.

This report will contribute the ongoing community discussion and attention to the city’s other initiatives addressing pedestrian safety, such as the adoption of Worcester Now|Next, the impending release of the Mobility Action Plan, and ongoing efforts toward a Vision Zero Plan. To be further informed on these important issues, read Toward Safer Streets: Identifying Risk Factors for Non-Motorists in Worcester.